Stacked Stone Wall Cladding for Natural Beauty and Versatility

Homes vary from place to place. Some houses look like structures built for royals. These are properties that astound you by their sheer beauty, magnificence, presence and timeless look.

Then, there are standard, commonplace homes that at best look like average properties. You know a funny thing? Sometimes, the seemingly generic-looking building or house is about the same price as the one that looks magnificent. The difference? Stacked stone cladding or natural stone cladding.

Covering your home’s walls with natural looking stone tiles can immediately give the impression of stone walls and transform a basic living space into something amazing.

The Many Uses of Stacked Stone Wall Cladding

Excellent for Home Improvement Purposes

If you’re home remodelling and want a design to set your home apart from all the others, turning it into the neighbourhood’s envy, then consider using stone wall cladding.

It is dynamic for both your home’s interior and exterior. For instance, you could use them:

  • On outside walls and internal feature walls.
  • For the fireplace inside the house.
  • You could also choose and have stone clad accent walls.

    When Stacked Stone is applied you can feel or perceive your home’s expanse particularly when there’s abundant lighting to show the texture and colour of our great Décor Stacked Stone products.

    Can Be Used in Place of Stone Buildings

    Stone walls are a great feature for any home. But Stone homes can be expensive. To build your dream home, you don’t have to:

  • Wait until you have enough money.
  • Take
  • a huge loan that you’ll pay off for the next 30-40 years.

    By having stacked stone walls or natural stone cladding, you can build an elegant home that has the same looks and offers a interchangeable face of style.

    Adds Value to Homes and Properties

    Homes with stone wall cladding are naturally perceived as more expensive, even when they are not. Often, they are elegant and attract people with great taste for finer things.

    Also, they look like homes from architectural magazines. Homes with stone wall claddings are exquisite and always cost more than an average building.

    Cheaper than Other Alternatives

    For that elegant, timeless look, you could also opt for stone veneers and rock walls. But these can be pretty expensive to build and construct.

    However, you can go ahead and build your home with the resources you have right now. Add some natural stone cladding to give you the same look as stone veneer or rocks.

    If you need stacked stone wall cladding for a remodelling project or your new home, then make sure you call us on 03 9888 9888. Décor Stone leading and most trusted stacked stone and natural stone cladding provider in Australia.